OTIC Testing for Certificate and Badging




Oct 2021

OTIC Testing for Certificate and Badging

Date of demo publishing: October 15, 2021

Keysight A

Presented at MWC LA 2021

Key features of the solution

RU Emulator, Open Whitebox, Test Equipment, UE Emulator

OTIC support wide adoption of O-RAN specifications and promote the openness of O-RAN ecosystem while test and verify the conformity of RAN equipment to O-RAN interface specifications, based on O-RAN conformance test specifications is a critical task assignment. Certification and Badging of O-RAN solutions represents a comprehensive mechanism ensuring confidence in the O-RAN solutions for both the operator as well as the vendor community. This demo is to explore how OTIC perform testing for Certificate and Badging with test equipment.

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