Feb 2024
2022 4th O-RAN Global Spring PlugFest in Auray
In Asia, O-RAN PlugFest Spring 2022 hosted by Auray took place at the Auray OTIC and Security Lab.
Divided into 18 test cases, activities focused on verification and validation of applicability of tests in a lab environment, specifically for Open Fronthaul tests, end-to-end tests, and Denial of Service (DoS) and blind exploitation types of security tests.
Performed actions covered a dry run of the O-RAN Certification and Badging, verifying the related processes and procedures.
The PlugFest also included Open RAN Testing and Optimization for Industry IoT – smart scoring methodology for end-to-end service experience based on 3GPP 5G E2E KPIs.
Event reference to :
1. O-RAN Announces Certification and Badging and Results of Spring 2022 PlugFest
2. Keysight’s Participation in O-RAN Global PlugFest Spring 2022
3. VIAVI Provides Benchmarking and Validation for Global O-RAN PlugFest